In sixth grade, students will build on ideas and knowledge from earlier grades to learn about the physical sciences, life sciences, and earth and space sciences. By the end of Grade 6 Science, students will be able to:
Describe changes in the motion of particles of a substance when thermal (heat) energy is added or removed.
Design, construct, and test a device that can either minimize or maximize thermal energy transfer.
Investigate relationships among energy transfers, type of matter, mass (amount of matter), and the change in kinetic (in-motion) energy.
Understand what impacts the kinetic energy of particles.
Develop and use models to describe how sound and light waves are reflected, absorbed, or transmitted through various materials.
Develop a model to describe the function and parts of a cell.
Understand that the body is a system of interactive subsystems made up of cells.
Understand how sensory receptors respond to stimuli and transmit signals to the brain, resulting in immediate behaviors or stored as memories.
Use models to describe how energy flow and matter cycles drive geologic processes that have changed Earth’s surface over time
Use patterns in data to describe past geologic processes
Describe how water cycles through Earth’s systems with energy from the sun and the force of gravity
Analyze and interpret weather data that can be used as evidence for detecting and predicting future weather conditions caused by the motion of air masses, thus potentially lessening their effect
The order of the standards at any grade level is not meant to imply a sequence of topics and should be considered flexible for the organization of any course.
Descriptions of disciplinary core ideas, crosscutting concepts, and science and engineering practices students are learning throughout their K-12 education.
This year-long progression provides a sample vision for engaging students in meaningful, connected science learning. Unit samples offer examples of essential questions, phenomena, connections to prior learning, and a 3-dimensional narrative for what learning might look like in the classroom.
Examples of how to group standards based on common science ideas. Analysis is provided for each grouping of standards and is provided in a manner to support deep understanding of goals and expectations for the teacher and student. Recommendations are not intended to be an exhaustive listing of instructional possibilities.
Suggested instructional practices that engage students with figuring out science ideas.
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