
2020 Pre-Kindergarten Home Page (redirected from 2020 Pre-Kindergarten Homepage)

Page history last edited by Heather Johnston 8 months, 2 weeks ago

Children have a natural curiosity about the world around them. In Pre-K they should be encouraged to make observations and describe how they are interacting with their surroundings. By the end of the school year, students will:

  • Express curiosity about the natural environment through observation and active play.
  • Begin to participate in simple investigations, like predicting what might happen next and testing observations.
  • Start putting items that are important in a child's world (toys, pets, foods, etc.) into categories based on observable features.
  • Talk about major features of the Earth's surface (streams, hills, etc.) found in their daily natural environment. 


The order of the standards at any grade level is not meant to imply a sequence of topics and should be considered flexible for the organization of any course.



Vertical Learning Progressions



Descriptions of disciplinary core ideas, crosscutting concepts, and science and engineering practices students are learning throughout their K-12 education. 


Standards Analysis

An analysis for each pre-kindergarten standard is provided in a manner to support deep understanding of goals and expectations for the teacher and student. Recommendations are not intended to be an exhaustive listing of instructional possibilities.


Engagement Strategies


Suggested instructional practices that engage students with figuring out science ideas.



Navigation Link

Back to the OKScience Framework Introduction




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